Thursday, May 19, 2011

( PART II) "How to make the 'worst' of your investment , revealed! " ( posted on 07/05/2011)

One find day, a group of people came together, smiling in anticipation for they are about to come up with a wonderful idea.
for representation purpose and for your own good only!
They were very qualified and were dressed very impressively. They also talks very nicely and smoothly ( this is taught as part their training for becoming qualified or for becoming over qualified ). They also eat their lunches on time.......everyday. 

One fine and glorious day they met for a discussion in a big room which looks something like this ( below)

During the meeting they came up with a wonderful idea involving collecting money from ignorant and slightly greedy public looking for good returns. It was a win win situation for all, the qualified people,their employees, and the slightly greedy ignorant public, particularly in this order. After, the meeting they congratulated each other by saying "you are the man," dialogue many times over. It went on very well and they all had lunch on time.

Accordingly, they took up office space maybe somewhat like the one above, started  hiring people and went on to execute the grand idea, that of making money for everyone- the qualified people, their employees and the slightly greedy ignorant public, particularly in this order.

After three years of hard-work involving lot of brain work from the qualified and over qualified people, lot of donkey work from the employees and lot of money from the slightly greedy ignorant public, the whole team  managed to do something which this chap below can do in 15 minutes just by using its jaw/mouth!

that of reducing my Rs.90,000/- to Rs. 65,000/- !  
My long overdue LASIK surgery may have to wait.
I wonder if they can do one eye at a time?

Well, I know this may not be true for all such investment but as the saying goes,
" If you do what other people don't like you to do, then you must allow them a little ill humour." LOL!

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